Title: | Mark Phillips – Three of a Kind (David Lewis with Ohio University Symphony Orchestra) |
Location: | |
Date: | 1995 |
Performers: | David Lewis – Clarinet |
Source Media: | MiniDisc |
Transfer Equipment | Sony MZ-RH1 |
Original Format | 44.1k/16-Bit/ATRAC1 (.oma) at 292kbps (lossy) |
Web Stream Format: | 44.1k/16-Bit/FLAC |
Library Call Number: |
Notes: This recording was originally on a cassette, but I’m not able to find the original. It was transferred to MiniDisc by Marty Lewis using a 2-head Sony Deck sometime in the 1990s/2000s. I was able to extract the .oma files from the MiniDisc, and converted them to FLAC (since ATRAC1 is somewhat of a dead codec). If I find the original cassette, I’ll digitize that and remove this MiniDisc version since it’s a lossy format.