Title: | OU Woodwind Quintet Performing in Hollins College, VA (Hummel, Hindemith) |
Location: | Hollins College, VA |
Date: | April 17, 1972 |
Performers: | |
Compilation: | No |
Source Media: | Reel-to-Reel |
Reel Size: | 7 Inch |
Playback Speed | 7.5 Inches Per Second |
Track Position: | Stereo Quarter Track |
Tape Width | 1/4 Inch |
Playback Equipment | Sony TC-651 |
Digital Audio Interface: | Behringer UMC202HD |
Digitization Format: | 96k/24-Bit/WAV |
Web Stream Format: | 48k/16-Bit/FLAC |
Library Call Number: |
Notes: There are no performers explicitly listed on the insert, however, I think it’s safe to assume that the performers were similar if not identical to those performing in other Ohio University Woodwind Quintet Reels.