Title: | Frostburg Community Orchestra, Feldman String Quartet, & A Solo Recital |
Location: | Frostburg College Community Orchestra Frostburg, MD? Feldman String Quartet Norfolk, VA Solo Recital Hollins College, VA |
Date: | Frostburg College Community Orchestra April 17, 1966 Feldman String Quartet March 27, 1963 Solo Recital February 11, 1963 |
Performers: | David Lewis – Clarinet Solo Recital Bettie Vest – Piano |
Compilation: | No |
Source Media: | Reel-to-Reel |
Reel Size: | 7 Inch |
Playback Speed | 7.5 Inches Per Second |
Track Position: | -Mixed- Originally Mono Two-Track Taped over with a Stereo Quarter Track player on Side A |
Tape Width | 1/4 Inch |
Playback Equipment | Sony TC-651 |
Digital Audio Interface: | Behringer UMC202HD |
Digitization Format: | 96k/24-Bit/WAV |
Web Stream Format: | 48k/16-Bit/FLAC |
Library Call Number: |
Frostburg Community Orchestra (Left Channel)
Feldman String Quartet, & A Solo Recital (Right Channel)
This tape was overwritten with a vinyl record on Side A, so that effectively destroyed the 2-Track Mono configuration, however, I was able to transfer the original performances written on the box by using Side B with a 4-track player and separating the left and right channels. The solo recital on the Side_B (Right Channel) cuts off just before the end, but you can listen to the full performance on REEL-023, which also includes the same Feldman String Quartet recordings, however, REEL-021 contains the FULL Feldman String Quartet performance.