Title:The Feldman Quartet with David Lewis – Mozart Quintet for Clarinet & Strings
Location:Frostburg State College
Frostburg, MD
Date:March 23, 1965
Performers:David Lewis – Clarinet
Feldman String Quartet
Source Media:Reel-to-Reel
Reel Size:7 Inch
Playback Speed7.5 Inches Per Second
Track Position:Mono Full Track
Tape Width1/4 Inch
Playback EquipmentTascam 32
Digital Audio Interface:Behringer UMC202HD
Digitization Format:96k/24-Bit/WAV
Web Stream Format:48k/16-Bit/FLAC
Library Call Number:

Notes: While this is a mono full-track recording, I suspect it was recorded using a 2-track stereo machine. When playing back on my 2-track stereo machine, I saw both left and right channels mostly in sync at the beginning, but after a few minutes, the right channel lost signal (likely at the time of the creation of this tape or original recording).
As a result, I’ve only included the left channel, since this is a mono recording anyway, it’s indistinguishable.