REEL-021_Side A
Title:The Feldman String Quartet with David Lewis
Location:Norfolk, VA
Date:March 27, 1963
Performers:David Lewis – Clarinet
Feldman String Quartet
Source Media:Reel-to-Reel
Reel Size:7 Inch
Playback Speed3.75 Inches Per Second
Track Position:Stereo Half Track
Tape Width1/4 Inch
Playback EquipmentTascam 32
Digital Audio Interface:Behringer UMC202HD
Digitization Format:192k/24-Bit/WAV
Web Stream Format:48k/16-Bit/FLAC
Library Call Number:

Notes: Since I don’t have a Stereo Half-Track, Reel-to-Reel player that can play at 3.75 IPS, I digitized this recording at double the playback speed, 7.5IPS, with a sample rate of 192kHz. This allowed me to downsample it to 96k for an archival copy that preserved the original pitch. There was also some minor editing done to this recording. I removed a persistent, high-pitched, machine noise (likely caused at the time of the original recording) that descended from about 9.5kHz at the beginning of the recording and ended around 8.5kHz. I was able to accomplish this by using Audacity’s spectral edit multi tool.
Additionally, this is the only full recording I have of this performance. REEL-023 and REEL-031 only contain the 2nd half of this performance, and while they have a higher playback speed, they exclude the Overture on Hebrew Themes.