Title:OU Faculty Recital Series (w/Gershwin Medley)
Location:Ohio University Recital Hall
Athens, OH
Date:January 15, 1983
Performers:David Lewis – Clarinet
Richard Syracuse – Piano
Leighton Conkling – Cello
Source Media:Reel-to-Reel
Reel Size:7 Inch
Playback Speed7.5 Inches Per Second
Track Position:Stereo Quarter Track
Tape Width1/4 Inch
Playback EquipmentSony TC-651
Digital Audio Interface:Behringer UMC202HD
Digitization Format:96k/24-Bit/WAV
Web Stream Format:48k/16-Bit/FLAC
Library Call Number:830115 (Ohio University)

Repair Notes: This tape was baked at 130degF for 24hrs, cooled for 24hrs, then baked again for 48hrs, cooled for 24hrs and successfully transferred July 2021. There were a significant amount of clicks that needed to be repaired. Additionally, the left channel was badly distorted, I believe this was at the time of recording from the gain being too high. Also the left channel went completely dead towards the end of Side B. As a result I’ve only included mono mixes for each A/B side using only the right channel. There was very little stereo separation anyway, and the increase in quality is well worth it.

CASS-032 is a copy of this recording, and while the left channel is distorted on that copy as well, it isn’t nearly as bad on the cassette version as it is on this reel.

If you want to listen to this performance for quality, the reel is better.
If you want you hear the original stereo mix, the cassette is better.