Title:Gershwin Medley, Hava Nagila, Artie Shaw Concerto
Performers:David Lewis – Clarinet (At least on Side A)
Source Media:Cassette Tape
Tape Type:Type I
Noise ReductionNone
Playback EquipmentDenon DR-M24HX
Digital Audio Interface:Behringer UMC202HD
Digitization Format:96k/24-Bit/WAV
Web Stream Format:48k/16-Bit/FLAC
Library Call Number:

Notes: This tape itself had no writing on it, and the insert was from a different tape type and not relevant. There was also some faint writing behind the label. I peeled it off and behind it was written “Sounds of Amateur Radio”, which may have been taped over to hold these recordings. I have no idea where or when this was performed, but you can hear David Lewis talking on Side A, so that’s obviously him performing, however, I’m not 100% sure about Side B, but I’ve included it anyway.