Title:Lewis Compilation Tape
Location:See REEL-015, REEL-019, REEL-030, REEL-035
Date:1975, 1981, 1982, 1985
Performers:See REEL-015, REEL-019, REEL-030, REEL-035
Source Media:Cassette Tape
Tape Type:Type I
Noise ReductionNone
Playback EquipmentDenon DR-M24HX
Digital Audio Interface:Behringer UMC202HD
Digitization Format:96k/24-Bit/WAV
Web Stream Format:48k/16-Bit/FLAC
Library Call Number:See REEL-015, REEL-019, REEL-030, REEL-035

Notes: This tape is a compilation and draws from all of the reels above. Additionally, there is some really bad crosstalk in the left channel for this tape. I’m uploading it only for a complete archive, but you’re much better off to listen to the original reels instead of this cassette.