Title:Clariano Duo
Source Media:Cassette Tape
Tape Type:Type II
Noise ReductionNone
Dolby B
Playback EquipmentDenon DR-M24HX
Digital Audio Interface:Behringer UMC202HD
Digitization Format:96k/24-Bit/WAV
Web Stream Format:48k/16-Bit/FLAC
Library Call Number:

Note: This is a compilation of recordings copied from other cassette and reel source material. I may have the source recordings listed in other places on this site, so this is likely not the best recording of these performances available. I’ll work on providing cross references to the source recordings as I have time…
(in progress)
Slow Blues REEL-011/CASS-005
Sonatina – REEL-011/CASS-005
Gershwin Medley – REEL-018