Title: | Ohio University Chamber Orchestra performs: Mozart – Clarinet Concerto in A Major |
Location: | Ohio University – Memorial Auditorium Athens, OH |
Date: | November 14, 1987 |
Performers: | Markand Thakar – Conductor David Lewis – Clarinet OU Chamber Orchestra – See Program Insert |
Compilation: | No |
Source Media: | Cassette Tape |
Tape Type: | Type II |
Noise Reduction | Dolby B |
Playback Equipment | Denon DR-M24HX |
Digital Audio Interface: | Behringer UMC202HD |
Digitization Format: | 96k/24-Bit/WAV |
Web Stream Format: | 48k/16-Bit/FLAC |
Library Call Number: | 871114 CASS (Ohio University) |
Note: The date on the cassette and the OU Program are different, but I have high confidence this is the same performance. It’s likely the date was just copied down on to the cassette and insert incorrectly. Additionally, this cassette only contains the Concerto in A major, which was probably intentional since I don’t think the other performances include solos from David Lewis.